Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Save the Whey!

No, I'm not advocating saving some exoctic, endangered species that you've never heard of.  I'm just say'in next time you make cheese, don't throw out the whey!  Why not?  'Cause you can use it to make more cheese -- ricotta!  Yep, ricotta cheese is made from the leftovers. 

Making ricotta is super simple.  Here's how:
Heat 1.5 quarts whey to 195 degrees.  Slowly add in 1 quart whole milk and bring temp back up to 195 degrees.  Stir, stir, stir until you see small clumps.  Then pour whey/milk into a cheese cloth lined colander.  Bring the sides of the cheese cloth up to make a little bag.  Hang bag for about an hour, or until it stops dripping.  Put cheese into a container and add some salt to taste. 
Congratulations! You just made ricotta cheese!  See, I told you it was easy...

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