Indigo Creek Emma - SOLD
Emma is a 2 1/2 year old Nigerian Dwarf registered with the NDGA. She is currently IN MILK. She is about 1 month fresh, so she has 9 months of milk left! This is her second freshening and is producing almost 2 quarts per day -- that's just under a half a gallon/day! She is very cooperative on the milk stand and is used to being milked with a milking machine.
She is a great milker, but is not the best mother. She protects her babies and accepts them as her own, but for some reason will not nurse them, so her future kids will have to be bottle babies. I prefer to have all kids dam raised--bottle babies are just too time consuming for my crazy life right now, so that is the only reason I am offering her for sale. I just can't breed her again, knowing that I won't have the time to bottle raise her babies. She consistently produces gorgeous kids. She's had twins for each of her kiddings. I have a beautiful daughter of hers from her first kidding on site.
I will dearly miss all her delicious ORGANIC milk! Yes, she has only been feed organic grain and hay.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to meet her.
Emma's Pedigree:
- Sire: Indigo Creek Ace of Hearts (NDGA 06626M)
- SS: Moon Spinner's Blue Shin (D-49471)
- SD: Indigo Creek Faith (NDGA 14787F)
- Dam: Indigo Creek Tia (NDGA 14790F)
- SS: Sire: Irish Luck Farms Shamrock (NDGA 05747M)
- SD: Irish Luck Farms Ella (NDGA 13048F)